Mariarch Hymns aims to be the largest repository of catholic hymns and chants. The world is global and interconnected and we want to help you discover catholic hymns and chants in any place you travel to.
We aim to store the digital version of the musical notation for each tunes so that you can select any tune and listen and learn.
Be able to comment and view comments on hymns, upload videos and audios relating to that hymn and share testimonies.
We will be adding chants that are used to sing Alleluia's, responsorial psalms, and divine office in parishes all over the world.
Be able to comment and view comments on hymns, upload videos and audios relating to that hymn and share testimonies.
See the origins and backgrounds of each hymn and know which hymnals have had these hymns all through the years. We will ad information of these hymnals so that you can be able to know how to get them.
You can choose hymns from different collections and create play lists.
An interactive and fun filled way to learn and sing hymns.
Copyright © 2024 Mariarch - All Rights Reserved.
Registered business owned by Chibuikem Oyudo